SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ----YOU, THE END USER, SHALL USE THIS SOFTWARE("THE SOFTWARE") ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BY LOADING THE SOFTWARE INTO ANY COMPUTER, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MAY NOT LOAD THIS SOFTWARE INTO ANY COMPUTER. Grant of License The Software is licensed for use by you for the equipment packaged with the Software or designated by its supplier ("the equipment"). You are permitted to use the Software on any computer which permits electronic access to the equipment. You are not permitted to rent or lease the Software or to transfer your rights under this license to a third party. Acceptance You shall be deemed to have accepted the terms of this Agreement by loading the Software into any computer. Duration This license is effective until terminated. The license will terminate where you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement. Upon termination, you agree to destroy all copies of the Software and its documentation. Ownership of Software You own, if any, only the magnetic media on which the Software has been delivered. It is an express condition of this Agreement that the title and ownership of the Software shall be retained by its owners. Copying The Software and its documentation are the subject of Copyright. You may not make any copies nor cause others to make copies of the Software except such copies as are necessary for licensed use and one copy for operational security. Any such copies are subject to the conditions of this Agreement. You may not modify, adapt, merge, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the whole or any part of the Software or its associated documentation. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement, unauthorized transfer, reproduction or use of the Software or its documentation. Limitation of Warranty The media, if any, not the Software contained therein, is warranted to the original purchaser against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original purchase. Defective media will be replaced when it is returned to your supplier, postage prepaid, along with a copy of the purchase receipt. THESE RIGHTS ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUPPLIER, OWNER OF THE SOFTWARE OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES (INCLUDING ANY FOR LOSS OF INFORMATION, PROFITS, SAVINGS OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES) ARISING OUT OF THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE THEREOF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE. Exporting Law You acknowledge that the export of the Software is governed by the export control laws of the United States and other countries. You agree to comply with all such export control laws. Governing Law and Jurisdiction If any provision or portion of this Agreement shall be found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of California, USA and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal District courts for the Central District of California by a judge and not a jury.